发布日期:2022-10-18 14:05:02 来源:曲谱网会员空间 曲谱热度:
是美国著名的钢琴家以及作曲家Erroll Garner的作品。Erroll Garner (1921-1977)出生于美国匹兹堡。少年的Erroll Garner极富音乐灵气,年仅十岁便登台演出,40年代开始了与Charlie Parker等爵士大师的广泛合作。
虽然被公认为是波普(Bop)乐手,但与Bud Powell和Thelonious Monk等波普钢琴手相比,erroll走的是较为中庸(更容易被大众接受)的路线。他的钢琴演奏有一种浪漫的演绎方式,优雅的琴音似雾般迷离,却又细致动人,他的弹奏永远闪烁着一种美感,衬托出这位爵士天才的与众不同。最具幽默感的地方在于这位天才不识谱,然而这也从一个侧面证明了Erroll的惊人天赋:他创造了复杂丰富的钢琴语汇,写出了妙若天音的《misty》他甚至可以再没有任何准备的情况下,一天连录三张专辑,而质量皆属上乘。听听他的《The Way You Look Tonight》、《Body and Soul》,就能体会他无以伦比的优雅风范。
Look at me
I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree
And I feel like I'm hanging to a cloud
I can't understand
I get misty
Just holding your hand
Walk my way
And a thousand violins begin to play
Or it might be the sound of your hello
That music I hear
I get misty
The moment you're near
You can say that you're leading me on
But it's just what I want you to do
Don't you know just how hopelessly I'm drawn
That's why I'm following you
On my own
When I wander through this wonderland alone
Never knowing my right foot from my left
My hat from my glove
I am too Misty
And too much in love
I am just too Misty
And too much in love